I have broad interests, but my core talents lie in developing software
for backend information architecture, including both the application logic and tools for
internal analysis and reporting. The scope of my work has included everything from
developing the architecture of various REST APIs, DB schemas, and automated analysis
(both high and low-level) and reporting systems for both web and mobile platforms.
More specifically, I use Ruby/Rails/Chef, Javascript, SQL, and R on a daily basis. I've also
used Java, C/C++, Python and Matlab extensively for various projects throughout my career.
I'm fortunate enough to love what I do and seek purpose and fulfilment within my career. As such, my
greatest accomplishments have arisen from when I have been intellectually challenged and mentally engaged.
I keep a busy schedule, but if you feel my skillsets are in line with a project you are working on, feel free to
reach out.
In the meantime, feel free to check out the links to the left for more specific information.